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We are founded with a single-minded mission to give you access to ingredient-transparency. Contribute to fuels and lunches of our hard working interns / staff!

A Message from the Founder

Think Dirty® is a project born out of a personal journey to understand the truths in the beauty industry. Due to family history of cancer, I decided to research into the many causes behind breast cancer, including dirty ingredients® in cosmetic and personal care products.

I never realized the environmental impact cosmetics had on our health, until I watched Annie Leonard’s “Story of Cosmetics”, which examined the pervasive use of toxic chemicals in our everyday personal care products.

There are hormone disruptor chemicals in many products that have been possibly linked to breast cancer. I was shocked the cosmetics industry was not regulated like the food and drug sectors. And like most women, my lipgloss and shampoo are products I would never think to describe as “toxic” or could contain cancer-causing chemicals.

Finding safer alternatives for myself was a huge challenge. Although many products are labeled “all-natural” or “organic”, there is little transparency in labeling cosmetics. There was also no real tool out there for consumers to find information easily. With my background in design and marketing, I wanted to develop and create something not only for myself but for others as well, and that’s how Think Dirty® was founded.

Think Dirty® empowers and educates the consumer on the cosmetics industry by allowing them to make an informed decision on what products to purchase. In 2012, Think Dirty® won the It’s a Start Competition Grand Prize by Digifest Toronto. The mobile app launched in Summer 2013 with more than 68,300 products listed.

As someone who has been touched by cancer in my family, I was a huge supporter of several pink ribbon-related events and fundraising efforts. I really wanted Think Dirty® to be a champion of non-partisan breast cancer awareness initiatives. This September, we partnered with the Breast Cancer Fund and their Campaign for Safe Cosmetics to promote safer cosmetics and personal products through daily habits.

However, Think Dirty® is more than just a mobile app - it’s a consumer revolution for safer cosmetics by learning one ingredient at a time, changing to cleaner options, one product at a time.

Join me to take back our power to vote for products that are safe, clean, and not “Dirty”. The time is now.

To a healthier and safer future,

Lily Tse

Founder and CEO

  • 4.5KBrands
  • 1.4MProducts
  • 26.2MUnique Scans

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