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We are founded with a single-minded mission to give you access to ingredient-transparency. Contribute to fuels and lunches of our hard working interns / staff!

Marketing Communications (Internship)

Think Dirty is seeking a marketing intern to join our team for an initial 90-day commitment. We are looking for a creative and analytical person with the ability to engage in data analysis and content optimization. You should also be able to work extremely quickly.

What will you do?

Sourcing and creating organic content to Think Dirty’s social media accounts

  • Liaising with Think Dirty’s street team to run ‘offline’ marketing campaigns
  • Developing, testing and measuring user acquisition strategies
  • Developing, testing and measuring user engagement strategies
  • Proactively bringing forth marketing, partnership or activation ideas
  • Contributing to Think Dirty’s culture

In addition, the intern will be responsible for live event market research, and some minor administrative tasks.

Recommended Skills & Experience

  • Fluent in social media consumption and sharing trends on at least one of the major sites – (Instagram Facebook Twitter)
  • Ability to stay on top of and ahead of content promotion trends
  • Data-driven, analytical mindset – you obsess over and experiment with your methods to get the most out of every opportunity
  • Outgoing individual who is happy managing a street team and speaking with people about the benefits of Think Dirty at concerts and other live events
  • Honesty, humility, and the ability to say “I don’t know”
  • A commitment to continuous learning

Desired Skills

  • Fluency in navigating Google Analytics
  • Experience with A/B testing in a marketing setting
  • Understanding of Influencer and Social Marketing


This role reports directly to the CEO. The CEO will work side-by-side with the intern daily, making sure s/he is working in a structured working environment, including daily and weekly targets. The founding team will help wherever they can, while at the same time fostering a trusting environment where the intern can grow their independence and autonomy.

We want to make sure everyone at Think Dirty is learning and growing as much as possible. Bi-weekly 1:1 meetings are standard for all employees, including interns. The goal of these meetings is to ensure that expectations (on both sides) are being met, and troubleshoot any issues or barriers.

To Apply:

Email us at careers@thinkdirtyapp.com

  • Your Resume
  • Your LinkedIn Profile
  • Your plum.io job seeker profile
  • One sentence to describe who you are
  • 50 words on why you want to work for us
  • 4.5KBrands
  • 1.4MProducts
  • 26.2MUnique Scans

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