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Think Dirty App as App of the Day

February 15, 2021

Want to know if the beauty, personal care, and cleaning products in your home have potentially toxic ingredients? Think Dirty has evaluated over 1.7 million products to help you identify those that might be harmful.

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CNN business Logo

The gadgets and tech that got us through 2020

November 25, 2020

Smartphones, laptops and gaming consoles remain at the top of holiday wish lists, but this year we at CNN Business are reflecting on the tech, services and apps that truly made a big impact on our everyday lives...

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Green Matters Logo

11 Apps That Will Help You on Your Sustainability Journey

November 13, 2020

Who says phones are just for scrolling yourself down a rabbit hole on TikTok and Instagram? As you continue your sustainability journey, you can actually use apps to your advantage. Some sustainability apps will help you calculate your carbon footprint...

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WKBK News Logo

What to look for in your cleaning supplies

April 22, 2020

The Coronavirus concerns have some people cleaning more than ever. The U.S. Poison Control Center calls have increased by 20-percent in the last three months as people have suffered from toxic exposure to cleaning supplies and disinfectants.

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The Philadelphia Tribune Logo

Tips to be fit: The price of looking good

December 24, 2019

Getting beautiful can cause problems. We most often think nothing of changing our hair color, getting a manicure or pedicure or putting on nail polish. These body enhancements can cause a number of health issues.

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in-cosmetics Logo

Ingredient apps and the importance of transparency

November 13, 2019

Packaging is, more than ever, a vital part of the marketing mix. A new breed of shoppers is avidly checking labels for ‘good’ and ‘bad’ ingredients using a variety of apps and websites, plus knowledge gleaned from the plethora of on and offline media and beauty bloggers.

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Avery Swartz Thumbnail

Green Tech: Apps That Are Good for The Planet

August 13, 2019

It seems like we can’t go one week without another headline about the damage we’ve done to the planet, leading some to feel frustrated and like there’s nothing they can do about it. We’re all just looking to do our part in protecting the environment – and luckily, there’s an app for that.

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Ottawa Citizen logo

What's in those household products?

July 22, 2019

You can read all the nutrition labels in the world and make excellent choices based on that information but what good will it do if the air you breathe around the apartment or the lotions you dutifully apply to your skin are more toxic than your teenage son’s gym bag?

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Vogue logo

Natural beauty now. Tune in. Get gorgeous.

July 1, 2019

Beauty is all around us. Channeling or harnessing it to be our best selves can be incredibly fun, and it can bring thought-provoking challenges as well. Here’s how to truly cultivate beauty from the outside, from choosing natural skincare strategies to making lifestyle pivots.

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KATC Abby's Apps

Abby’s Apps: Get clean with ‘Think Dirty’

June 10, 2019

In the first installment of Abby’s Apps, Abby takes a look at an app that could help users shift to a clean and healthy lifestyle. It’s called “Think Dirty” but really, you’ll want to use it for getting clean.

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Frank and Oak logo

The best eco-friendly beauty brands

May 15, 2019

With it being Earth Month, there’s no better time to reconsider your beauty regime. If you’re willing to spend extra dollars on organic produce, why lather your lashes with chemical-laden mascaras?

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Chatelaine Logo

Searching For Clean

April, 2019

When it comes to choosing the safest beauty products, there are few cut-and-dry answers. Ultimately, there's no simple way to determine any given product's "cleanness," though you can find tools that...

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LomaBeat.com logo


April 24, 2019

Companies are tricking their consumers into trusting their ingredients by labeling their products “natural” and “clean.” Are they telling the truth or is it a marketing scam?

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9 & 10 News logo

Tech on Tuesday: Skin Care Apps

April 2, 2019

Adults of all ages still struggle with breakouts, blackheads and other skin issues. In this week’s Tech on Tuesday, we check out some skin care apps to help you put your best face forward.

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SheEO logo

2018/2019 SheEO Ventures

March 4, 2019

Together, the SheEO network and SheEO Ventures are taking on the world's to-do list, which means their business models and outcomes help achieve the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Today Show

The best clean beauty products to try right now

February 6, 2019

Clean beauty is not just a trend, it’s a movement. TODAY style contributor Bobbie Thomas stops by to talk to Kathie Lee and Hoda about why it’s all the buzz. Plus, Bobbie shares some of her favorite products.

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RTL Nieuws logo

Digitaal opruimen als Marie Kondo

January 17, 2019

Kan jouw huis wel een opruimbeurt gebruiken, maar heb je geen idee waar je moet beginnen? Dan kun je natuurlijk naar de Japanse opruimgoeroe Marie Kondo kijken op Netflix. Maar we helpen graag een handje door je vijf apps te geven waarmee...

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Forbes logo

The Top Apps For Success In 2019

January 10, 2019

There are so many apps out on the market it can be really hard to choose which are the best for you. Here’s a list of my favorite apps in different categories...If you're looking for the best apps to help you make 2019 your most successful year yet, here they are!

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A Beautiful Mess logo


September 24, 2018

"I always love seeing what other apps people are using and I’ve gotten a few really great recommendations over the past year, so I thought I’d share a few that I’m loving (and using) lately."

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The Wall Street Journal logo

Your A-to-Z Guide to Skin Care Today

August 9, 2018

THE CULT OF skin care seems to have reached a fever pitch, with women (and men) accumulating costly, pleasingly packaged products to arrange in their bathrooms at a new pace. Self-taught enthusiasts, known as the “skintelligentsia,” exchange...

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Sassmagazine logo

Girl’s Guide to Going Cruelty-Free

July 20, 2018

Walking into a drugstore and seeing endless aisles of makeup can be overwhelming. Now try to narrow those products down into ones that don’t test on animals...We owe it to our furry friends to shop cruelty-free! Here are some ways to get started:

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Biohacking Brooke logo


July 20, 2018

"First, let me start off by saying I am an app minimalist. I’m currently still in the Dark Ages with my iPhone 6S 16GB, so I barely have room for Gmail and text threads. I’m extremely judicious with app downloads, but my new discovery–the “Think Dirty” app–was a no-brainer!"

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Popsugar logo

What Happened When I Tried Nontoxic Makeup For 90 Days

July 11, 2018

I love makeup and make no apologies for it. I consider makeup a tool for boosting my mood or highlighting my favorite features, but I recently started to question my embrace of it. While listening to my local NPR station, I heard experts discussing a recent study about chemicals in cosmetics. I thought: could my form of self-expression be dangerous?

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Wptv logo

Lead in lipstick

June 15, 2018

"You have to disclose if you're buying a house there could potentially be lead in there. So why is it OK that we can educate people that there's no lead on the walls, but then we can have it in our lipstick which is on our face?"

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Man repeller logo

I Tested 5 Natural Beauty Foundations and Now I’m Hooked

March 22, 2018

I scrutinized ingredient lists and cross-checked with the Think Dirty app database to make sure the foundations I was testing were free of parabens, phthalates, sulfates and petrochemicals (the main substances that the clean beauty community is passionate about avoiding).

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Wear TV logo

The 15 Best Beauty Apps to Download Right Now

March 9, 2018

We put together a list of the best beauty apps on the market, from skin analysis to up-to-the date hair conditions based on weather. Check out the 15 beauty apps you’ll probably want to start downloading now.

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Wear TV logo

A cleaner clean: Ditching household chemicals

March 1, 2018

A growing amount of research suggests chemicals in everyday products may put us at risk for health problems. A mom in Pensacola is trying to protect her family, by "switching and ditching" products around her house.

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Endometriosis Foundation of America Logo

Looking for Endo-friendly Beauty Products? Here's What You Need to Know!

February 28, 2018

Gupta recommends downloading an app called Think Dirty to help determine which products are the healthiest choices for your body and skin. “It’s a wonderful tool,” Gupta added. “You just scan the barcode of your toothpaste, deodorant, moisturizer or whatever beauty or hygiene product you’re inquiring about, and you can see how clean or dirty it is for your skin."

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Popsugar - Non-toxic Make-up

What Happened When I Tried Nontoxic Makeup For 90 Days

December 30, 2017

I began by researching a safe cosmetic "starter kit," focusing on the body, shower, skin care, and makeup products I use on a daily basis. The FDA has shockingly little authority over cosmetics (more on that later), and my research taught me that terms like organic, eco, natural, and nontoxic have no legal or regulatory meaning when it comes to cosmetics. Luckily, there are helpful online resources and apps like Think Dirty (available on iPhone) that help consumers understand what exactly goes into the products they use.

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Global Live Understanding Audiences

Understanding Audiences

November 20, 2017

Founder and CEO of Think Dirty Lily Tse explains how she was successful at getting the word out about her company and the importance of being authentic when telling your story.

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brit & co

The Most Trusted Sources for Green Beauty Education

October 03, 2017

With eco-friendly beauty buys becoming more of an industry standard, now is the perfect time to arm ourselves with the best resources that can help us make better choices one purchase at a time. But what exactly is green beauty and how can you get on board? Here, a few amazing platforms that make natural beauty education a reality.

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MaRS logo

What they don't tell you about being an entrepreneur

April 24, 2017

Content that is meant to help and inspire entrepreneurs is actually altruistic, unrealistic and idealistic, ignoring the realities of starting a company... We suggest that you avoid the meaningless, rainbow-coloured, unicorns-and-rabbits advice plastered all over social media. Here’s some real advice and interesting ideas from entrepreneurs and experts who have failed, succeeded and then failed again.

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Coco and Cowe logo

A Conversation with Lily Tse

April 12, 2017

"I recently had a conversatin with Lily Tse, the founder of the Think Dirty app. With her family having a history of cancer, Lily decided to take matters into her own hands and become knowledgable about what exactly goes into our most tried and trusted beauty products. Find the full interview below."

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6 Aplikasi Beauty yang Perlu Kamu Download

February 28, 2017

Zaman sekarang, kayaknya nggak ada alasan untuk nggak tampil cantik. As we know, saat ini beauty product semakin beragam dan lebih mudah untuk didapatkan secara online. Selain itu, kalau kamu...

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The Changemakers

January 4, 2017

The world is a mess right now. An outsider's look into the current state of affairs would show a global community in shambles, suffering from a laundry list of maladies in need of a serious remedy...

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Health Risks and 5 Other Secrets Barcodes Can Tell You

September 5, 2016

Well, from where we stand, it doesn't have a formal definition. It's a movement that means different things for different people. At its core, it's reexamining how our beauty products are affecting our health and eliminating the things that make cosmetics...

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Disruptors Pitch: Think Dirty

August 6, 2016

The Think Dirty app provides users with a way to learn about the potentially toxic ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products. Customers can scan the product barcode and Think Dirty will give them easy-to-understand info on the product...

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10 Canadian Women Who Are Taking the Tech World By Storm

June 20, 2016

The top 25 female-led startups to participate in the Fierce Founders Bootcamp were announced today. The founders will complete the first phase of programming at the Communitech Hub July 19- 21, 2016, and then return to the Hub from August 23-25, 2016....

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coco eco logo

Harmful Beauty

April, 2016

It used to be that every time I had a rough day at work I headed straight to the closest drugstore's bath products aisle to find something that could wash away the work day and let me unwind in my own...

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BNN Bloomberg logo

Disruptor 1: Think Dirty - BNN News

March 3, 2016

Compiled by BNN staff 1:41 PM, E.T. | March 3, 2016 The Think Dirty app provides users with a way to learn about the potentially toxic ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products. Customers can scan the product barcode and Think Dirty...

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What Apps Do You Use?

February 16, 2016

Our team at Cup of Jo has some serious old-school tendencies. Caroline still uses a day planner. But we've each managed to get hooked on a few apps that we now can't imagine living without. Here are our current must-haves, and we'd love to hear...

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#HumansofMaRS: Be healthy, Think Dirty - MaRS

January 6, 2016

Lily Tse, founder and CEO of Think Dirty, wants to come clean on the personal care products you use every day. Think your “all natural” face cream is a healthy alternative? Convinced your “organic” lip gloss is the real deal? Think again. They might actua...

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10 Ways to Get Clean with Think Dirty

November 9, 2015

When you scroll through your Instagram feed, it’s likely that you’ll see a post or two from a health-conscious or foodie friend with the hashtags #cleaneats or #healthy. It’s no doubt that healthy eating has become a large trend among the X and Y generati...

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8 Apps All Beauty Junkies Need

August 17, 2015

We lead busy, busy lives. And we definitely don't always have time to catch up on all of our favorite beauty blogs and watch countless hours of how-to tutorials. Since we're all about upgrading our lives with our favorite calendar apps and...

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Think Dirty

May 11, 2015

Her findings confirmed Leonard's report: that the beauty industry is very loosely regulated. Despite claims that products are "all natural" or "organic," the lack of standardization in cosmetic labeling meant that many potentially toxic chemicals...

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Introducing the winners of the MasterCard Women in Entrepreneurship program

May 11, 2015

Back in March, we launched MasterCard Women in Entrepreneurship, a $60,000 program designed to fuel the success of six women-led startups through cash prizes and placement at the DMZ. The program, supported by a generous donation from MasterCard, aims to strengthen the DMZ’s community of female founders and co-founders and support these women as they scale their businesses...

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Dirty Girls

May 11, 2015

Our art director turned us all on to the Think Dirty app several months ago. Since then, we’ve been scanning like crazy and comparing notes. We polled the team to get everyone’s must-have beauty buys—and then we ran the app to see which products come up clean, according to Think Dirty...

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An App To Help You Think Dirty (In A Clean Way)

March 4, 2015

I don’t know about you guys, but sometimes I just get exhausted trying to read and understand every ingredient on every label. As a newbie to the whole natural lifestyle thing, I can feel a bit overwhelmed and discouraged by it all...

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Canopy.co - Issue 32 - SHOP CLEAN

March 4, 2015

Personal care products often include ingredients that pose a risk to our health. Navigating labels for harmful chemicals can be confusing and time intensive. To help simplify conscious shopping, we partnered with Think Dirty to recommend the most verified...

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5 mobile apps to help us buy better

March 4, 2015

Mobile connectivity has increased our ability to make in-situ informed choices about many things. Through the Internet of Things, from Withings wifi scales to the up and coming Apple watch, our bodies and our actions are becoming evermore quantified...

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10 Useful Apps Of 2014

December 6, 2014

Spurred by her mom’s experience with breast cancer, Toronto-based entrepreneur Lily Tse created ‘Think Dirty’, an app that reveals harmful chemicals found in your facial wash or lipstick. The app draws from a database of over 200,000 products and ranks...

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Best 2014 Beauty Apps

December 6, 2014

THINK DIRTY Finally! An app that determines how toxic your favorite beauty products are. Just scan any product and receive a ranking of the ingredients and more importantly, a safer alternative...

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5 Common Toxic Ingredients in Your Beauty Products

November 13, 2014

Is shampoo making you fat? Is soap causing cellulite? We look at the common household toxins known to disrupt hormone function. For more, download the Think Dirty app to help you navigate unwanted chemicals while shopping and read more from David Suzuki...

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Groups, Lawmakers Push For Safer Cosmetics

November 5, 2014

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA.com) — Kirsty King from Mid-City LA is a sales director for an advertising agency, a business where image is everything. “This is my makeup I use most days when I’m working. I just put a light coat on across my face,” King says. “This is a product I’ve used for quite a while.”...

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Editor's Choice - The best beauty apps

September 24, 2014

Scan your product’s barcode and the app will determine any ingredients that may not be as eco-friendly as you first thought, whilst also offering greener alternatives. Be prepared for a few surprises: some of our favourite products came out ‘dirtier’ than expected, but it explains which ingredients they see as un-ideal, and why, so you can have a look and decide for yourself.

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25+ apps to make your everyday life easier

September 19, 2014

This app tells you exactly what’s in the personal care product you’re about to buy. You scan the barcode, and it shares information about potentially harmful ingredients (and gives alternatives, if you want them). It’s useful for fact-checking label claims like “all-natural” and “organic.” Kyle Shearer of our Events Workgroup says, “It helps me make informed choices on products that I am bringing home.”

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10 Must-Try Beauty Apps

September 17, 2014

The iPhone 6 comes out in two days (and the much-debated Apple Watch launches early next year). Not to mention, iOS 8 is here, meaning nearly everyone has Apple on the brain these days. Whether you’re just upgrading your software, or going all in, we thou.

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Beauty Marks

September 3, 2014

First things first: Think Dirty is not a porn streaming service, despite what the name may lead you to believe. Launched in 2013, it’s an inspired app for consumers who are unaware of the harmful chemicals that may be marinating on the bathroom shelf.

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Concerned about cosmetics? 3 apps can help

August 26, 2014

Reading teeny ingredients lists is tough, especially when you're out shopping. These three free apps make it easy to evaluate a product's ingredients and narrow down your choices. Just scan a product's bar code to see the ingredients it contains a...

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8 New Beauty Apps You Need to Download Now

August 22, 2014

Before your mind gets stuck in the gutter, this app determines how toxic your beauty products are—a pretty brilliant idea, since ingredient details aren't always easy to find. Scan a product's barcode or search the database by product name; the app ranks

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June 24, 2014

女士們每日用在皮膚的產品,例如護膚品、化妝品、沐浴用品等,動輒有十多種,你知道當中有多少產品含刺激性或潛在毒素嗎?應用程式 Think Dirty聲稱可以測化妝品毒性。記者測試數款化妝及潔膚護理產品,部分國際品牌致癌性竟爆表,究竟這些app可信度有多高?

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‘Think Dirty’ app reveals toxic beauty buys

June 18, 2014

Miranda Kerr is a big fan of using natural beauty products, so what's the betting she'd have some fun with this clever detoxing app? Maybe you consider yourself a bit of a beauty ingredients whiz; you can reel of the benefits of hyaluronic acid...

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Lab Rat: Your Beauty Products Are Pretty Dirty

June 16, 2014

But when I stumbled upon the new beauty app ThinkDirty, I realized it was time to pay more attention to what I'm putting on my face. The app allows you to scan the bar code on a beauty product — and then spits out a ranking based on the amount of cancer-causing substances in the product, ranking it on a scale from 0 to 10, with 10 being the most "dirty" in a totally nonsexual way.

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This Simple App Tells If Your Beauty Products Contain Beastly Chemicals

April 8, 2014

At the end of the night when I suds up my face, I worry about removing all of my waterproof mascara. I’m not thinking about whether my skin-cleansing pads might make me sick. After all, I bought them at the local drugstore, not on the black market—and toxic chemicals are what the FDA is supposed to protect me from, right?

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Think Dirty’s toxic test

April 3, 2014

It’s do or die time for cosmetic and personal care brands. Customers want goods they can trust won’t lead to serious health issues down the line, and retailers are backing them up by putting pressure on vendors to provide just that. Walmart and Target recently announced they’ve begun assessing and phasing-out products that contain harmful ingredients from store shelves. It’s a big, bold move that has set the tone for today’s health-conscious consumer landscape, and while the race is on to provide them with safer goods, there are also new platforms doing their bit to inform people about what they’re putting on their bodies.

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think dirty in order to shop clean

March 7, 2014

Few of us really know what we are smearing on our faces, hands and bodies when we pick up creams and lotions these days. (Unless it’s coconut oil, then okay, you know.) But seriously, ever tried to pronounce those long, dinosaur-sounding words in most products’ ingredient list? Cue Think Dirty, an app* created by some innovative folks in Toronto, and used for deciphering what the heck is actually in our beauty products so we can make educated choices about them.

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Sustainable Cosmetic Summit Is May 15-17 in New York City

March 4, 2014

Lily Tse, CEO and founder of Think Dirty, will demonstrate the pervasive influence mobile apps can have on consumers. The Think Dirty mobile application rates over 55,000 beauty products according to the health and safety risks of their ingredients. Consumers are using the mobile app to assess the safety of cosmetic products.

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Green issues at the agenda of the next Sustainable Cosmetics Summit in New York.

March 1, 2014

A second session will be devoted to digital marketing and will look at the impact of mobile devices and digital marketing on consumer behaviour towards personal care products. Lily Tse, CEO and founder of Think Dirty - a mobile application that rates over 55,000 beauty products according to the health and safety risks of their ingredients - will demonstrate the pervasive influence mobile apps can have on consumers.

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Top 5 Eco Apps to Make Your Life Greener

January 24, 2014

Making time to consider the environment in your daily schedule isn’t always easy. Sometimes it’s just simpler and less time consuming to ignore your better judgment and throw that tuna can in the garbage or pick-up that cheap, drugstore lip gloss.

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Beauty Apps Reveal Harmful Ingredients

December 5, 2013

New smart phone app Think Dirty is aiming to change the way consumers shop for beauty products. The apps allow shoppers to scan products on the spot to find out a product's ingredient list. Some apps rank a product based on their ingredients, which can encourage or deter a sale.

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The Green Edit: the organic beauty Christmas gift shopping guide

November 21, 2013

Think Dirty, Shop Clean: free A handy iphone app which is available free from the itunes store. Using barcode scanning technology to identify products and rate them on a scale of 0-10 based on product ingredient listings (0 being you can almost eat it, to 10 meaning that no green girl worth her kale would touch it) . Hailing from Canada, the app indicates if a product has any potentially harmful ingredients and allergens using The National Library of Medicine's Hazardous Substances Data Bank , the Environmental Working Group and other not for profit organizations. With a clever design it makes shopping for your green friends and family more like a game than a puzzle.

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CFC Announces New ideaBOOST Cohort of Startups

November 21, 2013

Toronto's ideaBOOST media and technology startup accelerator announced its latest cohort of six companies yesterday. The program takes place at the Canadian Film Centre's Media Lab (CFC Media Lab). The swanky ceremony was hosted by CBC's.

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Is Your Makeup Safe? 2 New Apps Help You Find Out

November 14, 2013

Making an informed decision about cosmetics and personal care products just became a whole lot easier—thanks to the development of two new apps that will deliver specific product ratings and ingredient information right to your fingertips

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How Clean is Your Beauty Routine?

October 28, 2013

With labelling terms like organic, holistic, and natural dominating the beauty aisle, it’s really hard to figure out what products are safe, and which ones we should avoid.

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The Think Dirty Story

October 26, 2013

A regular series, The Wang Post sits down with rising Asian entrepreneurs. This week, they spoke with Lily Tse, the founder and CEO of Think Dirty®, about her entrepreneurial path and her venture to educate other women on safe cosmetics and personal care products.

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Canadian app rates ‘dirty’ ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products

October 25, 2013

TORONTO – If you’re concerned about the ingredients in everyday health and beauty products, navigating the beauty counter might feel like walking through a minefield. From five-syllable ingredients nearly impossible to decipher, to products labelled “natural” when they’re anything but, the average consumer likely has no idea what is in their personal care products.

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Q & A With An Entrepreneur: Lily Tse Of Think Dirty®

October 25, 2013

Let’s start from the beginning: where were you born, and where did you grow up? I was born in Hong Kong, and I moved to Baltimore, Maryland when I was 18 years old to attend an art college. When I was 19, my family moved from Hong Kong to Toronto, Canada; I followed them and finished my university studies there.

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October 21, 2013

ideaBOOST, the Canadian Film Centre’s (CFC) “business accelerator with a difference” has announced 11 shortlisted candidates for its third cohort of entertainment technology startups. The 11 teams will now pitch their visions in front of ideaBOOST founding partners Shaw Media, Google and Chorus Entertainment on November 4.

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Beauty Lust Haves, October 2013

October 10, 2013

Seeing that this is a list of my beauty faves, October being Breast Cancer Awareness month and in celebration of the newly launched Think Dirty app, I thought it was apropos to start off with this must have app.

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Seven New Ads To Watch

October 3, 2013

Finally we finish this round-up on an app, Think Dirty, created by former advertising art director Lily Tse, who is based in Toronto.

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October 2, 2013

To promote their official launch, Think Dirty®, a new app that makes personal care shopping much cleaner, has launched 30 Days of Dirty, an inaugural campaign to inform consumers of the potentially toxic ingredients in cosmetics and to raise funds for Breast Cancer Fund.

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Spin Master Ltd. and the Canadian Youth Business Foundation Announce Recipients of the Spin Master Innovation Fund

September 18, 2013

TORONTO, ONTARIO – (Marketwired - Sep 18, 2013) - Today the Spin Master Innovation Fund announced the 2013 recipients of the Spin Master Innovation Program. In partnership with Spin Master Ltd. and co-financing partner the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), the Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF) is pleased to introduce the next group of highly innovative entrepreneurs to the rest of the country.

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App Dev Story: Think Dirty

August 30, 2013

Think Dirty [free, iOS] is the easiest way to learn about the potentially toxic ingredients in your cosmetics and personal care products. It’s an unbiased source that allows you to compare products as you shop.

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Think Dirty – Shop Smart App, Beauty and Brains!

August 30, 2013

With an app name like “Think Dirty,” you might not know what to think. However, the Think Dirty app isn’t as dirty as you might be thinkingor is it? As a matter of fact, the purpose of this free Healthcare & Fitness app is to get you to think clean. The Think Dirty iPhone app is all about providing unbiased product comparison information for personal care products. These products, for men and women, range from face wash and cosmetics to shampoos and more. Think Dirty’s vision is to turn iPhone users into better informed consumers, enabling us all to “Think Dirty – Shop Clean.”

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